Saturday, July 14, 2007

As i am reading The death of the Dissident i am feeling really sorry for Litvinenko. He was fooled and used in the most disgusting manner. At the same time i can't ignore claims made by the people i do trust that he was 'ratting out his own' like there is no tomorrow from the start. I think that once he became exposed to B. Berezovsy's riches he became to blinded by them that he started to do everything he could to become some part of this lifestyle (possibly not without pressure from his wife. It is then that he started building his polonium proof coffin. That last time i saw him he was like a disorientated scared puppy in the way he behaved around B.B and A Z. It was disgusting. If they would have told him to eat dog shit in front of everyone he would have done. There was no feeling at all that he was among friends. Desperation and fear. Soon followed by his agonising death.

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