Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another 9/11 anniversary here, as always, full of grace and dignity.
There was a very moving moment when, during the reading of the names of all who died in the twin towers, a girl of about 7 took the stage and after reading names of other spoke of her uncle, who died there. She said: "We are from Poland. My uncle was 21. I didn't know him but my mom says he was the best brother. We will always remember him. God Bless America."
I echo, God Bless America.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Horror after the market bombing

North Osetia, Suicide bombing

At least 15 killed and over 80 wounded. It will not stop and will not end, because the government does not care and does not want to deal with it. 'Terrorism is over' we were told by General "..", we don't need your agents. 'We want to spy on US instead..'
Our naive attempt to get a letter to the President, got us nowhere.
This in the country that suffers from terrorism almost to the same level as Pakistan.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Read this comment today

or rather a beggining of a comment about yet another assasination, this time of a bank CEO, in Moscow: "Я пенсионерка, мне плохо и голодно в нашей стране"- 'I am retired and my life in this country is horrible and that of near-starvation..' Nadezhda went on to say that nevertheless she is against murder.

Friday, September 03, 2010


Another anniversary of Beslan. Yet, as society, we're no better...

Thursday, September 02, 2010

When i was printing photos for one of our posters, a woman at Walgreens on Times square, who was helping me, said, looking at the screen with my photos to be printed: "Is this real". "Yes". "Wow. That's a lot of people for one man."

Here is the photo.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


The good thing about not having too many people is there are no backs to hide behind ))