Monday, December 15, 2008

Take a polite little bow

Just came back from Tchaikovsky concert hall, (tickets were $100 a piece, a friend paid), where a tastefully dressed, well-spoken and well-mannered intelligentzia crowd expressed their loyalty to Gergiev, the famous conductor. I have no doubt he is a great musician, it is his political ethics that I find inappropriate. 'Crowd of intelligenzia'-how bad is that? I am not suggesting he must be Rostropovich, but to be a loyalist to those in power, because...well, just because, I can't respect that. He and his audience had much mutual respect to be shared, however, and behind this politeness perhaps the passiveness of intelligent elite will not be so obvious.

On the other hand, it is possible that many of those in the theatre are genuine Gergiev fans. But there was also a lot of yawning.

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