Sunday, August 10, 2008

War in Ossetia, day 3

It is hard to know exactly who attacked first in the current South Ossetia crisis. And, really, it doesn't make that much difference. Of course at the center of all this is the clash between Russia and Georgia. Russia feeling terribly unhappy with the fact that's its neighbour and former 'Communist brother' is not looking in the direction of Western style democracies but is allowing US to build millitary bases on its territory. As a result of substantial financial aid from America Georgia has been booming economically. More schools and hospitals were built in the last 2 years than in the previous 20. The opposition is free to have its marches AND have media coverage. They still have a long way to go, of course, and President Saakashvili is no saint. But this is not the point. The point is that in an ideal world they would be left alone and would be free to choose their political path and their friends. Sadly, Russia does not want to allow for that happen. For Russian people, however, the idea that Georgia, backed by America, attacked Russian peace forces in Ossetia lands on a fruitful soil. The anti - American mood has always been there and has been 'helped' recently with consistent propaganda.

Even without further escalation of this situation the relationship between America and Russia will deteriorate further. And in the worst case scenario...well...

Next few days are vital.

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