Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another note on the play...

The really sad thing is that those government officials who were watching my play in Dagestan were not moved, and in all likelihood irratated, by the tribut to all those who died in terror attacks, when all our actors stood, with their heads bowed, in front of column of candles going all the way into the sky. And how on the metal shield which made for the backdrop, at the end of the play the last notes of the dying people appeared that said "remember us", "mama, i love you" and others. And when the actors came out to take a bow they picked up from the floor and put on the chairs empty bottles of water and juice cartons as a tribute to Beslan children, who were deprived of water for 3 days, as well as Nord Ost victims.

The fact that they ignored those things is tragic. For them. The robots.

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