Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

And just fun ))

Moscow Starbucks

High Security Prison


Sight of the terrorist explosion on the Moscow metro in 2000

Outside Hamovnicgesky Court where second Khodorkovsky trial is underway.

Moscow shots

Opposition picket, Bolotnaya square. The coalition of 3 democratic movements. And about 1500 supporters....

Anna Politkovskaya remembered, 7 October, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back from Moscow, still jet-legged and in the process of preparing the 31st event. Two stressful weeks in my home town ( God, it is my home town...i never think of it that way.) From Khodorkovsky court hearing to animal shelter and high security prison, i covered a lot of ground.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some of the fact as I translate 'Putin-10 years-The Results'.

The sum of the black market or corruption cash is $300 billion, according to Transparency International.

The number of terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the North Caucasus had increased from 135 in 2000 to 786 in 2010. In Dagestan alone every day takes lives of 4-5 military personnel. The problem with terrorism in Russia and the North Caucasus is nothing short of a global threat.

Moscow, day 7

Getting around on the Moscow metro, after being away for over a year, makes you realize yet again how different people are here. The heaviness of depression or anger in so many faces. No smiles, even on the younger faces. People seem down and life-beaten. Smell of alcohol from people at the most random times and places. It is interesting that the very center of Moscow on a work day at 1pm is not crowded, at all. Where are all the people, I wanted to say? Also, in a cafe across from Kremlin, where a cup of coffee is $7 they don't take any cards, no plastic at all.....In fact not too many places do take cards.
Insufficient salaries, low pensions and prices same or higher than those in NYC, people are finding it hard to make ends meet.
Going home in the evening on a 'stranger', as my English friends call the random car you flag down on the street and that takes you where you need to go, i asked my driver a question. 'Do you and many of your friends feel they live exactly how they deserve to live?' After a long pause he said 'No, but what can i do?' The same, very same 'what can i do' response. The response that will eventually destroy this country.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Булат Окуджава

Совесть, благородство и достоинство —
Вот оно, святое наше воинство.
Протяни к нему свою ладонь.
За него не страшно и в огонь.
Лик его высок и удивителен.
Посвяти ему свой краткий век.
Может, и не станешь победителем,
Но зато умрешь как человек.

Thursday, October 07, 2010


At the demonstration in memory of Anna Politkovskaya there were around 500 people: journalists, representatives of the human rights organizations, actors, opposition leaders, victims of Nord Ost etc. (And about 7 buses of the policemen) Many of the same faces and people I know well and am close to. Speeches were short and heart-felt, poems were read, even extracts from Hamlet. The very moving part was the recorded speech by Anna's mother. She was coming back from seeing her at the hospital when she was shot and killed at 16.03 four years ago. Very much wish we saw more journalists present and more young people there...

31 of October Event!

Strategy 31 is now a symbol of protest against the corrupt, bloody and dangerous regime of Putin's Russia.
People, citizens of Russia, must be allowed to peacefully assemble, without fear of being arrested or beaten. They must be free to protest against mafia-like 'Vertical power', driven by ego and money, corruption of the state officials, lack of free and independent media and judicial system, the assassinations of journalists and lawyers, imprisonment of political opponents, and NO respect for the LAW and HUMAN LIFE....
Those who are not indifferent to the fate of Russia and, ultimately, us all, please JOIN US! Take part in an interesting and important event, a tragical farce, or, in the words of the Great Bard, 'tragical-historical'. Past and current leaders will come alive. Absolutely the first of its kind!
History is made now!

"...To take arms against the sea of troubles and by opposing end them..'

The 'show' commences at 16.00 on Sunday, October 31st, by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN, 136 East 67 Street, New York City, N.Y.
We will then have an option of joining the New York City Halloween Parade.

Стратегия – 31 - символ протеста против жестого и циничного режима в современной России. Граждане России , как и граждане других цивилизованных стран, должны иметь возможность без страха перед насилием и расправой выражать свой протест.
Россия сегодня – это мафиозная вертикаль власти, баспрецедентная коррупция в государственных структурах, отсутствие свободных выборов и независимой судебной системы, практически полное цензурирование средств массовой информации. Это убийства журналистов и адвокатов, преследование политических противников. Ценность человеческой жизни сведена к нулю. Ужасающий разрыв между бедностью и богатством – это позор сегодняшней России.

Те, кому небезразлична судьба России, где остались ваши друзья и близкие, кого волнует будущее Америки – страны, ставшей вам вторым домом, поддержите нас! Примите участие в нашей акции 31 октября! Это будет театрализованное шоу в стиле политического гротеска.

Начало в 16.00, в воскресенье, 31-ого октября, у Миссии Российской Федерации при ООН, 136 East 67th street, New York

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I will be going to the manifestation in memory of Anna Politkovskaya. The sad thing is, as one polish journalist told me, Anna is known in Poland but very few know her in Russia. Those she fought for and died for don't know her, while those in Poland, do....
I am back in Moscow....By the metro station there are a few people, members of the democratic movement Solidarnost, who are distributing the mini book Putin: Ten year results by one of the opposition leaders Boric Nemzov. i asked the guy i got my book from about how well the book is doing. He said that over the past 2 hours they gave out over six hundred copies. While we were talking 4 people came and got their copy. This is good, i told him. He went on to share with me his concern over the certain amount of friction in the opposition.